Drayton McClane, Jr.

“You'll never become what you want to be by remaining as you are.”

Drayton McLane Jr., a figure whose life reads like a masterclass in resilience, vision, and the power of values. From the small-town charm of Cameron, Texas, to the high-powered boardrooms of global corporations, Drayton's journey is a testament to what one can achieve with faith, grit, and an unyielding commitment to one's principles.

Early Years:

As a young man, Drayton spent many evenings he spent as a captive audience to his mother’s teachings. "My mother had one consistent thought," he would say, reflecting on those formative years. She emphasized three core values: "the most important thing in our life is our Christian faith and our belief in the Lord Jesus Christ... number two, the love of your entire family... and the third... is who you select to be your friends."

These weren't just passing remarks; they were the pillars upon which the McLane family built their lives. Drayton's mother’s emphasis on faith was unwavering, a beacon that guided their daily lives. She instilled in her children the belief that their faith was the foundation of everything else they would encounter and build in life.

Equally important was her emphasis on the love of the entire family. This extended beyond the immediate family to the broader kinship, teaching Drayton the value of strong family bonds and the support system they provide. Her wisdom about choosing friends was perhaps the most impactful. Drayton would often reflect on how his mother's insights on friendships influenced not just his personal life but also his professional decisions. She believed that the company one keeps can elevate or hinder one’s journey. As Drayton navigated the complexities of business and leadership, these lessons on friendships remained a guiding force, influencing whom he trusted and aligned with in his ventures.

Drayton’s mother’s teachings were more than just words; they were the compass that guided him through life's challenges and successes. Her influence was a constant reminder of the values that matter most: faith, family, and the quality of one’s companions. These lessons, deeply ingrained in Drayton's psyche, shaped the man he became – a leader, a visionary, and a testament to the power of a mother's wisdom.

The Family Business

Drayton McLane's initial foray into the family business was a journey marked by humility and hard-earned lessons. Fresh out of Michigan State with an MBA, he returned to McLane Company with expectations of a significant role. However, his father had other plans, ones that would ground Drayton in the realities of the business world.

His father, with a discerning eye for teaching valuable life lessons, assigned Drayton to a role that was far from glamorous but rich in learning opportunities – working the night shift loading trucks. This decision, seemingly harsh at the time, was a masterstroke in instilling the value of hard work and understanding the business from the ground up.

This was a humbling start for someone with advanced academic credentials, but it was in the gritty environment of late-night shifts and the back end of the supply chain that Drayton learned invaluable lessons about the business. It wasn’t just about the physical work; it was an immersive education in understanding every facet of the company. Drayton got to know the employees, the operations, and the challenges they faced daily. He gained a firsthand understanding of the logistics and intricacies that would later enable him to innovate and grow the business strategically.

This period of working on the night shift was a crucible of sorts, forging Drayton's work ethic and deepening his appreciation for every level of the company's operations. It equipped him with a unique perspective – an understanding that true leadership involves knowing and valuing every aspect of the business, from the warehouse floor to the boardroom.


Over time, Drayton transitioned from the warehouse floor to more strategic roles within the company. His deep understanding of the business, gained from his night shifts, proved to be a significant asset. He brought fresh ideas and innovative strategies to the table, driving the company's growth and expansion. Under his leadership, McLane Company ventured into new markets and diversified its services, consistently pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the logistics and supply chain industry.

Drayton's ascent within the company was marked by a series of calculated risks and strategic decisions, each underscoring his vision and business acumen. He had a unique ability to foresee market trends and position the company to capitalize on them, a skill that did not go unnoticed in the broader business community.

In the late seventies, Drayton, aware of the emerging potential of Walmart's discount stores across Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, saw an opportunity for McLane Company in this expanding landscape. Drayton's persistence in pursuing this opportunity was emblematic of his approach to business. Despite having never returned his calls or responded to his letters, Drayton didn’t relent in his efforts to connect with Sam Walton. He recounted, "I called Sam Walton several times over the phone, never returned my call. So I decided I would write him a letter... Never heard a word. Wrote him two other letters. Never heard a word."

It was through a meeting with a meat salesman from Springdale, Arkansas, that Drayton finally found a way to Walton. This connection led to a series of monthly visits to Walmart's headquarters, where Drayton tirelessly pitched the capabilities of McLane Company. His unwavering dedication eventually paid off. One day, Walton himself called Drayton, seeking his expertise in logistics, marking the beginning of a transformative relationship.

This partnership took a significant turn in 1990 when Walton and David Glass approached Drayton with a revolutionary idea. They planned to build 'Supercenters' – a new retail format combining a supermarket with a traditional discount store, operating 24/7. Despite initial skepticism about consumer behavior, Drayton was intrigued by the idea's boldness.

The deal took a more personal turn when Walton expressed his desire to acquire McLane Company. This proposal was a pivotal moment for Drayton. Initially reluctant, he was persuaded by the counsel of his then 92-year-old father, who saw the immense potential in this partnership. Drayton's father advised, "this is awfully big for a privately owned business. You might wanna think about being part of that."

The ensuing negotiations were straightforward, characterized by mutual respect and a shared vision for the future. The acquisition of McLane Company by Walmart was not just a business transaction but a melding of two forward-thinking entities.

The Houston Astros

When Drayton McLane ventured into the world of Major League Baseball with the Houston Astros, his approach and insights marked a departure from traditional sports management. Drayton didn't come from a background in sports, but he brought with him a keen business acumen and a fresh perspective that set him apart.

His realized that baseball is more of an individual sport played by teams, that unlike other team sports where collective strategy often dominates, baseball focuses more on individual players' performances. Each player's skill and actions directly impact the game's outcome, independent of a group strategy. This insight reshaped his approach to managing the team.

Drayton recognized the importance of nurturing each player's individual talent while fostering a sense of unity and common purpose. He understood that in baseball, the sum of individual excellences contributes to the team's overall success. This approach was evident in how he interacted with players and staff, focusing on personal development and performance as much as team outcomes.

This perspective was not just theoretical for Drayton. He applied it practically in his interactions with the team. He knew that understanding each player's strengths and weaknesses, and how they fit into the team’s dynamics, was crucial. It wasn’t just about creating a strong team on paper but about how these individual talents meshed together in the field.

Moreover, Drayton’s leadership in baseball highlights the importance of adaptability in any leadership role. Entering a new industry, he did not try to impose his previous experiences and strategies. Instead, he learned the nuances of the sport, understood its unique dynamics, and adapted his leadership style accordingly. This adaptability, underpinned by his core values and business acumen, set him apart as a leader capable of succeeding across diverse fields.

Higher Education

Beyond his business acumen, what stands out most about Drayton is his commitment to education and community. His support for Texas Tech, even as a proud Baylor alumnus, speaks to his belief in the transformative power of education. It's this selfless dedication to the betterment of others that truly defines his legacy.

In my conversations with Drayton, I've come to understand that his life is not just a chronicle of business successes, but a story of a man guided by deep-rooted values, a commitment to making a difference, and the importance of nurturing relationships. His journey, marked by faith, strategic thinking, and an eagerness to embrace new challenges, offers invaluable lessons for anyone aspiring to leave a lasting impact in their field.

As I reflect on Drayton McLane Jr.'s life, I see a narrative that is as inspiring as it is instructive – a life well-lived, not just in the pursuit of success, but in the pursuit of a legacy that transcends personal achievement and touches the lives of many.


Kent Hance is the host of The Best Storyteller in Texas podcast. He grew up in Dimmitt, Texas and went on to become a lawyer and serve as a Texas state senator. Kent was also elected as a US congressman from West Texas in the late 1970s. After his time in Washington DC, he returned to Texas and eventually became Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System. With decades of experience in law, education, and politics, Kent has no shortage of captivating tales and wisdom to share each week on his podcast.a


Bonuses, Blunders and Mugshots


He Barely Got His Britches Up