Italian Goats, a Bad Haircut and a Total Eclipse

As someone who has navigated the vast terrains of law, politics, and education, I've come to realize that life's richest lessons often stem from the simplest moments. In a world eager for complexity, it's the art of storytelling, the magic of curiosity, and the valor found in ordinary individuals that truly shape our existence. Today, I want to share with you some reflections that, though drawn from my own experiences, are universally applicable.

The Power of Leadership

Colin Powell said leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible. True leadership is an art - it's about achieving the seemingly impossible. It's a sentiment that rings true whether you're leading a country or simply leading your own life's journey. The essence of leadership lies not in adhering to the conventional but in daring to transcend it.

Life’s Simple Pleasures and the Magic of Curiosity

There's an undeniable charm in the simple facets of life - a charm we often overlook. Take, for instance, an eclipse. It's nothing more than the moon passing in front of the sun, yet it captivates millions. Or consider the marvel of coffee - who would have thought that a simple bean, when ground and brewed, could become such an integral part of our daily rituals?

Curiosity, the driving force behind every great invention and idea, reminds us to look beyond the obvious. It's this endless curiosity that has given us everything from the lightbulb to the internet. Imagine where we'd be without those willing to ask, "What if?"

Life will inevitably throw challenges our way. It’s how we choose to face these challenges that defines us. Take it from me; even the most daunting obstacles can be navigated with a bit of humor and grace. Whether facing the peculiarities of legal battles or the unpredictable nature of Texas weather during an eclipse, maintaining a sense of humor can be your greatest asset.

Moreover, embracing the absurdity of life – like dealing with an unexpectedly adventurous goat or pondering over the peculiar request for "borrowed electricity" – serves as a reminder not to take ourselves too seriously. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes, all you can do is laugh.

In realms traditionally dominated by 'good old boys clubs,' I've always held a firm belief in the power of inclusion. Telling my daughter to become the president of the good old boys club wasn't just playful advice; it was a testament to my belief that barriers are meant to be broken. Inclusion is more than a buzzword; it's a strategy for success, fostering environments where diverse perspectives thrive.


Kent Hance is the host of The Best Storyteller in Texas podcast. He grew up in Dimmitt, Texas and went on to become a lawyer and serve as a Texas state senator. Kent was also elected as a US congressman from West Texas in the late 1970s. After his time in Washington DC, he returned to Texas and eventually became Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System. With decades of experience in law, education, and politics, Kent has no shortage of captivating tales and wisdom to share each week on his podcast.a

Death and Taxes


President Reagan Loved Jelly Beans, I Do Not