Mr. President, Now Would Be a Good Time for The Cannibal Story

Let's kick things off with the saying of the day: "You always wanna hire people who'll take up for you in rooms when you're not there." It's essential to have loyal folks around who understand you and stand up for what you represent, even in your absence. Loyalty and reliability are key.

Now, let's dive into some current events. This week, something peculiar caught my attention. President Biden made a bizarre comment about his uncle being shot down in World War II and cannibals were involved somehow. It's an unusual subject, and it makes you wonder about the point he was trying to make. Makes you think, was someone advising him to tell such a story? Maybe the same person who might eventually ask him to step down from running in the next election.

Speaking of politics, this year is shaping up to be the most unusual presidential year. There are folks on both sides questioning whether Biden will be the nominee. I still think he will be because, let's face it, who's going to tell him otherwise? Maybe the same person who suggested the cannibal story.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are pressuring RFK Jr. to drop out. Now, Kennedy's got a history – his father and uncle were assassinated, another uncle served a long time in the Senate. Given that history, he should definitely have Secret Service protection, which he currently lacks. It's not wise, especially now, to skimp on security for a major candidate.

Switching gears, let's talk about an interesting survey I came across. It listed five things your date immediately notices about you: hygiene, body language, grooming, facial expressions, and manners. And folks, never underestimate how you treat the waiter or waitress. If your date has ever waited tables, they'll be watching closely.

An FBI profiler shared a similar list but added an interesting twist – let there be silence to see how the other person handles a conversation. It's quite telling. I've had my fair share of job interviews and dating anecdotes. One time, a guy called me about suing AT&T, and after laying out his case, I paused to let him speak. He didn't, so I told him to get in line.

Raising daughters taught me a lot about judging character. The boy my daughter married didn't say much initially. But he turned out great – now he's a judge and district attorney in Fort Worth. Sometimes, the quiet ones surprise you. And trust me, how a person interacts with others speaks volumes. When hiring, I always checked with the receptionist for their take on a candidate.

Now, let's lighten up with some crazy stories. A guy in Australia visited 120 bars in 24 hours. That's one drink, every 12 minutes. Only some drinks had alcohol, but still, that's commitment. Similarly, a woman messed up her job applications by mistakenly putting Hannah Montana's picture on her resume. No wonder she didn't hear back from anyone.

When it comes to airlines, Southwest is my favorite despite recent glitches. They've got a culture of friendliness started by Herb Kelleher. But not all airlines hit the mark; I once flew with a flight attendant who must've been trained by Hitler himself – meanest person I ever met.

Lastly, kudos to Becky Arbaugh, a Taco Bell manager in Pennsylvania, who saved a baby's life by performing CPR. She kept her cool, saved a life, and went right back to taking orders – now that's an employee you keep.

Stay tuned for next week's episode where we interview Katie Britt, U.S. Senator from Alabama. She replaced Richard Shelby, a longtime friend and influential figure. Big shoes to fill, but we'll see how she's stepping up.

Remember, folks, always hire people who'll take up for you when you're not in the room. It's the best insurance policy you can have.


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