Inflation, Bad Advice and a Middle Seat

the cartoon scene of a pilot contemplating between the "Old" and "Bold" paths, capturing the essence of the decision-making process.

As someone who's crisscrossed the skies more times than I can count, I've picked up a couple of sayings about aviation that stick with me. "Pilots should always stay ten miles in front of their aircraft," they say. It's about being prepared, about anticipating what's next before it happens. Another of my favorites is: there are many old pilots and many bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots. This wisdom has steered me towards prudence, especially in choosing pilots who prefer safety over shortcuts, a preference that once turned a routine two-hour flight into a three-hour detour, all to avoid bad weather.

Now, let's talk Saint Patrick's Day, a day that seems to paint the world green, regardless of where you find yourself on the globe. Did you know Saint Patrick himself was shanghaied as a teenager and ended up in Ireland, of all places? The irony is, he's credited with ridding Ireland of snakes, despite some historians' claims that the place never had any to begin with. But, myths are powerful, aren't they? And speaking of powerful, the global celebration of this day truly kicked off with the Irish diaspora in America, starting with a parade in Manhattan back in 1762. These days, it's less about the snakes and more about how much green beer you can handle.

The world's full of peculiar tales, like the lady in Florida who tried to use diplomatic plates to skirt the law, or the sudden appearance of a chainsaw-wielding individual at a Subway — talk about making a sandwich with a side of adrenaline. Then there's the president of Argentina, who quite literally took a chainsaw to the budget, a bold metaphor for slashing inflation and making cuts to revitalize an economy.

I've also touched on the more somber notes of history and social change. The Irish, once marginalized in America with signs declaring "Irish need not apply," have woven themselves into the fabric of this country, reminding us that time and familiarity can turn strangers into neighbors.

Wrapping up, I circle back to the skies, the domain of pilots — both old and not so bold. It's a realm where preparation is key, where the weather can be a foe and an unexpected detour a story for the ages. It's a reflection of life, isn't it? Unpredictable, filled with detours, but always an adventure worth taking.

May our flights be smooth, our celebrations joyful, and our stories ever compelling.


Kent Hance is the host of The Best Storyteller in Texas podcast. He grew up in Dimmitt, Texas and went on to become a lawyer and serve as a Texas state senator. Kent was also elected as a US congressman from West Texas in the late 1970s. After his time in Washington DC, he returned to Texas and eventually became Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System. With decades of experience in law, education, and politics, Kent has no shortage of captivating tales and wisdom to share each week on his podcast.a

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