Memorial Day, Grocery Prices, and Clever Ideas

Let’s dive into today’s saying – an old military adage, "always honor the fallen." Today is Memorial Day, a time set aside to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Memorial Day started as Decoration Day, originally initiated by freed slaves in Charleston, South Carolina. The South lacked infrastructure, so a racetrack was converted into a prison under grueling conditions. About 250 people died and were buried in a mass grave. After the war, emancipated slaves exhumed these soldiers and reburied them individually, marking each grave with a cross and their names. They held a celebration, featuring a children’s choir singing "America the Beautiful." Their resilience and positive attitude amid deplorable conditions are inspiring. Congress moved Memorial Day from May 30th to the last Monday in May in 1971. Besides honoring the fallen, Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer, celebrated with cookouts and barbecues. Despite rising grocery prices, hosting a family barbecue remains an economical and enjoyable tradition.

Switching gears, I came across a poll this week highlighting that many people pretend to enjoy things they actually don't. Interestingly, other people's children, family holiday gatherings, jogging, and small talk topped the list. In my experience, when small talk runs dry at a dinner party, I usually resort to asking, "What kind of tires do you have on your car?" It always catches people off guard but sparks interesting conversations.

Speaking of surprises, a new airline called Bark Air caters exclusively to pets – particularly dogs. Most pet owners just label their pets as service animals to get them on flights. Recently, at a state Capitol hearing, I ended up sitting next to a woman with a service dog, a pit bull. It was surreal but served as a reminder of how far some people go to keep their pets close.

On a lighter note, Bob Barker, host of "The Price is Right," began his career offering fur coats as prizes. Ironically, he later became an advocate against real fur in fashion. We all remember his iconic sign-off urging viewers to spay and neuter their pets – a testament to his commitment to animal welfare.

Moving on to something quite innovative, McComb, Illinois, has introduced the world’s largest Monopoly board around their courthouse square. It’s a clever and creative way to attract attention to the town. They even incorporated historical elements, like placing the jail where the original jail once stood. A brilliant idea to foster community engagement and tourism.

Sometimes, necessity and creativity intersect in unusual ways. I read about a daycare trying to slow down a hyperactive toddler by attaching two-pound ankle weights. While unconventional, it reflects the lengths caregivers will sometimes go to manage energetic youngsters.

Lastly, did you know that George Strait isn’t a member of the Grand Ole Opry? This surprised me, given his monumental impact on country music. He, along with Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, and Hank Williams Jr., never joined due to various reasons, including scheduling conflicts and different musical influences.

Here’s an amusing tidbit to wrap up: someone was charged with assault for throwing a cinnamon roll. The judicial system has its priorities, but this incident stands out as rather unique.

To close, on this Memorial Day, let’s remember to honor the fallen. Reflect on the many who didn’t return from war, ensuring our freedom today. Take time with family, share memories, and cherish the liberties we enjoy.


Kent Hance is the host of The Best Storyteller in Texas podcast. He grew up in Dimmitt, Texas and went on to become a lawyer and serve as a Texas state senator. Kent was also elected as a US congressman from West Texas in the late 1970s. After his time in Washington DC, he returned to Texas and eventually became Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System. With decades of experience in law, education, and politics, Kent has no shortage of captivating tales and wisdom to share each week on his podcast.a

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