If You Thumped His Ears, You Got Five Teeth Knocked Out

Today, I wanted to share some thoughts inspired by recent emails and discussions on the podcast that highlight the importance of choosing your enemies wisely in politics, the impact of inspiring teachers, the role of strong leadership, and the resilience of individuals.

In politics, it is crucial to pick your enemies early and choose them wisely. While most people are aware of politicians' stances on various issues, I believe it is equally important to understand how they navigated their way to where they are today. When I interview politicians and business people, I strive to delve deeper, allowing listeners to learn about their aspirations, challenges, and triumphs. This approach enables us to see the real person beyond the professional facade.

Education plays a vital role in shaping individuals' lives, and inspiring teachers can have a profound impact on our journeys. Recently, I received an email from Mary Silverstrand, a high school teacher who shared how she incorporates the podcast into her lessons. One episode discussed the protests at Columbia University, focusing on finding alternative ways to make one's voice heard, understanding consequences, and negotiating effectively. By encouraging productive dialogue and critical thinking among her students, Mary aims to create positive change. It is heartening to know that my podcast has found its way into classrooms, promoting valuable discussions and empowering young minds.

Leadership, especially during challenging times, requires resilience and determination. I draw inspiration from historical figures, such as Winston Churchill, who famously said, "Never, never, never give up." These words continue to resonate as we face our own obstacles, reminding us to dream big and persevere.

Strong leaders, like General Patton, who led with conviction, can instill a sense of purpose and rally people towards a common goal. As we celebrate graduations, I admire the young entrepreneurs who embark on their own ventures, even if they face failures along the way. Their experiences will undoubtedly shape them into determined and resourceful individuals, making them valuable assets in future endeavors.

Television has given us some unforgettable fictional mothers who have influenced popular culture. From Edith Bunker in "All in the Family" to Carol Brady in "The Brady Bunch," these characters exemplify different types of motherhood and provide relatable insights into family dynamics. While some shows may be considered controversial today, it is essential to acknowledge the impact these characters had in representing diverse perspectives and generating meaningful discussions.

Remember, dream no little dreams, choose your enemies early, and embrace the lessons life has to offer. Thank you for being part of our podcast community, and until next time, keep dreaming and storytelling.


The Trump Trials


Student Uprisings and Political Show Horses