Decoding Mayorkas’s Senate Testimony

You can't shake hands with a clenched fist.

-Indira Ghandi

The Southern Border Crisis

border wall

Folks, Chancellor Kent Hance here. I wanted to share some thoughts on the continuing crisis at our southern border. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas refuses to answer direct questions from Senators about the number of criminals crossing illegally. He dodges and deflects legitimate questions about the number of "gotaways" - those apprehended but then released into society.

The Biden administration pretends there is no problem at the border. That's why they avoid going there. But the crisis is real. We need to control our borders and implement an actual immigration policy. Governor Abbott sending busloads of illegals to sanctuary cities like New York may finally get their attention. These cities advertised themselves as havens for illegal immigrants, now they are asking for billions of dollars to deal with the results. There are no easy solutions here, but we must regain control of our border.

The FTX Scandal

The recent scandal involving cryptocurrency firm FTX is one of the biggest frauds in history. Founder Sam Bankman-Fried has apparently misappropriated over $32 billion of investor funds. This guy dressed like a slob, but conned folks into thinking he was a genius. The truth is, Bankman-Fried was running an elaborate Ponzi scheme, using new investment money to pay returns to earlier investors. He wasn't investing anything - just living lavishly on stolen funds.

Now "SBF" is staring at a potential 115 years in prison. He made the boneheaded move to take the witness stand in his own defense. As I've said many times, that is nearly always a mistake. You'll get exposed under tough questioning. My advice is to stay quiet - you can't talk your way out of facts. But hubris makes people think they can bamboozle even a jury. I hope they throw the book at this huckster.

Let this serve as a warning before investing in anything you don't fully understand. Cryptocurrency is fraught with fraud. Protect yourself out there, folks. A fool and their money are soon parted. Let the buyer beware, especially with speculative investments you don't fully understand. I hope they throw the book at this huckster.

Texas Rangers Celebrating World Series victory

Texas Rangers Win World Series

The Texas Rangers' recent World Series victory was their first championship since moving to Arlington in 1961. This brings tremendous pride to our state. Josh Young, a star player from Texas Tech, showcased amazing skills both at bat and in the field. His younger brother is also a promising prospect in the minor leagues. The Rangers have a bright future ahead.

The team's victory parade in Dallas was a great event. Rangers fans celebrated enthusiastically but responsibly. It was good to see a championship without any ugly incidents marring the festivities. This good-natured spirit reflects the character of our state.

Baseball may be more of an individual sport than football or basketball, with each player working to boost their own stats and salary leverage. But the Rangers came together as a cohesive unit to achieve their World Series dream. Congratulations to the players, coaches, staff, and loyal fans!

Savvy Advice

The biannual time change ritual always messes folks up. Most Americans would rather do away with the switching between standard and daylight savings time. It disrupts sleep schedules and causes unnecessary confusion twice a year. Senator Marco Rubio is right to keep pushing legislation to make Daylight Savings Time permanent. The time change benefits no one. Let's pick one and stick with it.

As we enter the holiday season, please watch out for drinking and driving as you attend festive gatherings. Be sensible. Moderation is key. And pace yourself - the average American attends 10 holiday parties every year. That's too many in my book. My law firm keeps it simple with one nice Christmas party, then we're done. Make smart choices out there, folks. I want you around for many more holidays to come.

That's my take on things. Wishing everyone a great week ahead.


Kent Hance is the host of The Best Storyteller in Texas podcast. He grew up in Dimmitt, Texas and went on to become a lawyer and serve as a Texas state senator. Kent was also elected as a US congressman from West Texas in the late 1970s. After his time in Washington DC, he returned to Texas and eventually became Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System. With decades of experience in law, education, and politics, Kent has no shortage of captivating tales and wisdom to share each week on his podcast.a

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